Disney and the Nazis: The Unauthorized Book Disney Doesn't Want You to Read: Disney in WWI

Disney in WWI To understand WWII you have to first look at WWI. Many historians consider WWI to be merely the precursor to WIII or the two wars to be one war with a temporary cease fire. Walt Disney would take part in the war to end all wars and it would have a huge impact on him for the rest of his life. At a young age Walt Disney was patriotic. While in high school Walt would draw patriotic cartoons for his high school newspaper. It is not surprising then that would want to join the war effort. It may seem odd in modern times that people were so eager to go to war but we have changed as a society a great deal since then. The history of man is often changed by technology and in modern times the technological changes happen so rapidly that studies show we are not actually able to keep up but are behind what technology can do. This has changed us a great deal. Throughout history however war has been glorified and was a means to gain wealth and power. This idolized view of war was ...