Camp Full Moon Chapter 1


Chapter 1

Robert couldn't believe that summer camp had finally arrived. He had been looking forward to this day for months, counting down the days on his calendar, dreaming of the adventures he would have and the friends he would make. Now, as he stood in his bedroom surrounded by his bags, he felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. What if he didn't make any friends? What if he got lost in the woods? What if something terrible happened?

But Robert pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. He had to make sure he had everything he needed for camp. He checked and double-checked his list, making sure he had his sleeping bag, his flashlight, his water bottle, and his lucky rock. He packed his favorite books and comics, his Frisbee, and his baseball glove. He even packed a small photo of his family and his dog, Sparky, to remind him of home.

As he zipped up his last bag, Robert heard the sound of his parents and sister downstairs. He took a deep breath and walked down the stairs, his bags clunking behind him. His parents smiled at him and gave him big hugs, telling him how proud they were of him for going to camp.

"Be safe, Robert," his mother said, her eyes misty. "And have fun."

"I will, Mom," Robert said, trying to sound confident. "I'll write you every day."

His little sister hugged him tightly, her arms barely reaching around his waist.

"I'll miss you, big brother," she said, her voice muffled in his shirt.

"I'll miss you too, kiddo," Robert said, ruffling her hair.

And then it was time for Sparky. Robert's loyal dog looked up at him with big brown eyes, his tail wagging hesitantly. Robert knelt down and hugged him, feeling the soft fur against his face.

"Goodbye, Sparky," he whispered. "I'll miss you, boy. You take care of Mom and Dad and Lily, okay?"

Sparky whimpered, as if he knew something Robert didn't. Robert patted him on the head and stood up, his heart heavy.

"It's time to go, Robert," his father said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Robert nodded, his eyes misty. He took a deep breath and picked up his bags, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He walked out of the door and down the driveway, his family waving goodbye from the porch.

As he walked to the bus station, Robert felt a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach. Was it homesickness? Fear? He couldn't quite put his finger on it. He looked back at his house and saw Sparky standing at the window, watching him go. Robert waved at him, and Sparky barked once, as if saying goodbye.

Robert shook his head and focused on the road ahead. He was going to Camp Full Moon, and nothing was going to stop him from having the time of his life.

Check back later for the rest of the book or buy it now from Amazon.


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